Percy was given away because his owners didn't have time to take care of him. He arrived like a little wild beast, he didn't like being brushed or having his paws touched, and he had several skin issues. He didn't know what it was like to sleep in a bed. It was a challenge for everyone, but his fighting spirit was evident from the start.

A Percy lo regalaron porque no tenían tiempo para cuidarlo. Llegó como toda una fiera, no le gustaba que lo peinaran ni tocaran las patas y tenía varios problemas de piel. No sabía qué era dormir en cama. Era un desafío para todos, pero su espíritu luchador era evidente desde el principio.
Over time, Percy learned to let himself be brushed and have his medicines applied. Slowly, his skin started to improve, and he began to trust people more. As he felt better, his character also began to change. He was no longer so grumpy and started to enjoy human company more.

Con el tiempo, Percy fue aprendiendo a dejarse peinar y poner sus medicinas. Poco a poco, su piel comenzó a mejorar y empezó a confiar más en las personas. A medida que se fue sintiendo mejor, su carácter también empezó a cambiar. Ya no era tan arisco y disfrutaba más de la compañía humana.
Once Percy discovered the comfort of the bed, no one can get him off it. He loves being inside the house on the bed, playing with his stuffed animals, and going for car rides. He goes out to the garden and demands to be let back in when he's done. He loves playing ball and burying it in the garden. Now, Percy lives a life full of love and comfort.

Una vez que Percy encontró la comodidad de la cama, ya nadie lo baja. Le encanta estar adentro de casa en la cama, jugar con sus peluches y pasear en carro. Sale al jardín y exige que le abran la puerta al terminar para entrar. Le encanta jugar a la pelota y enterrar la pelota en el jardín. Ahora, Percy vive una vida llena de amor y comodidad.

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